Sad – Synonyms for Sad

Feeling sad and searching for the perfect word to describe it? Whether it’s for a crossword clue or finding another word for sad, we’ve got you covered. Below is a list of synonyms that can encapsulate the meaning of sadness in various contexts:

  • Melancholy – Reflective and often a persistent state.
  • Sorrowful – Deep distress or grief.
  • Downcast – Low spirits or dejection.
  • Gloomy – A sense of bleakness or despondency.
  • Forlorn – Drearily lonely or abandoned.
  • Mournful – Expressing sorrow or lamentation.
  • Doleful – A sorrowful and mournful mood.

Using these synonyms doesn’t just broaden your vocabulary; it also deepens the emotional resonance of your writing. So next time you’re stuck on a crossword clue or need another word for sad, refer back to this list to find the perfect synonym to express the precise meaning you intend.